

  1. 本服務適用對象限本校教職員工生
     NCHU students, faculty and staff may submit a rush cataloging request for items that have been received but are not yet fully cataloged.
  2. 教學用或學術性圖書資料,本館將優先處理。
     Priority is given to materials needed for instructional support or academic purpose.
  3. 圖書狀態為「採訪技術服務」,方得提出優先處理申請。
     Rush Cataloging service only applies to items with a status of "Aquisition Technical Services" in the library catalog.
  4. 博碩士論文、參考書僅提供館內閱覽。
     Theses, dissertations and reference books must stay in the library and are therefore unavailable for loan.
  5. 為配合本館圖書借閱辦法,申請冊數一個月以 5 冊為限。
     Patrons are limited to 5 requests per month in accordance with the circulation policy.
  6. 申請急編資料之處理時間,以自申請日起3-5個工作天後(例假日另計),請登入館藏查詢系統查詢,以確認圖書處理情形。
     The normal processing time for a Rush Cataloging request is 3-5 workdays (excluding weekends and holidays). You can track the status of your request through the library catalog.
  7. 完成後將以E-Mail通知,請確認您的讀者借閱資料E-Mail電話是否正確,以利本館通知借閱。
     You will be notified via email when your requested item is available for checkout. Please make sure your contact information is correct and valid.
  8. 個人資料設定,可登入讀者借閱資料自行修改,如有其他帳號相關問題,請洽詢本館流通櫃台。
     Your personal information can be viewed and updated via your library account online. If you have any questions regarding your library account, please feel free to contact our Circulation Desk.
  9. 本館將申請成功之讀者列為該書之預約者,請於預約圖書保留期間內至圖書館辦理借書手續,如逾期未借出,將不予保留並將圖書歸架。
     Your requested item will be placed on hold for you to check out. However, if there are other hold requests before your submission, the hold requests will be fulfilled by the order in which they were created.
     Besides, items on hold have to be picked up within the hold period. If an available hold is not picked up within the hold period, it will be placed back on the shelves for others to check out after the hold period expires.
  10. 為必填欄位
     Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

Rush Cataloging Request Form

 University ID Number
 Applicant’s Name
 Department / Office
 Tel (Cell phone or Ext. number)
 E-mail Address
 Library Barcode Number